Our technology is small sized and compact, which makes it easier to locate and has less impact on the local environment.
What we do
Aitos Gasification Tecnololgy (AGT) supplies proven advanced gasification technology for projects in Europe. Energy from Waste (EfW) projects.
AGT represents more than 20 years of experience with waste gasification technology in Europe, on all parts of the technology and individual systems. The team´s experience ranges from design, specification, to installation and operation on all parts of the technology and individual systems, both nationally and internationally.
Consultation based on extensive knowledge and experience in waste to energy technology.
Thermal treatment plants for waste, based on proven gasification technology.
A Thermal process with gasification in first stage and combustion in second stage. This enable extremely good combustion control, eliminating complicated and extensive flue gas treatment.
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Why choose us
AGT offers a highly favourable return on investment (ROI) in comparison to competing technologies, with investment becoming profitable quickly.
Emissions to the atmosphere are very low, and well within European legislation requirements. Due to the high degree of combustion control, NOx emissions are very low without any expensive SNCR or SCR equipment.
The technology is small sized and compact, which makes it easier to locate and has less impact on the local environment.
The gasification technology is best suited to opportunities in the capacity range from 40.000 to 150.000 tonnes per annum.
High flexibility in handling different waste types and variation in calorific value.
The technology accredited under UK Renewable Obligation.
WTE is seen as a much more efficient alternative than landfill, as landfill exudes a significant portion of methane gas. Compared to landfill gas, the effects of emissions from our gasification technology is only 3-4%